I've already enabled forceScheme https on my AppServiceProvider like this if(config('app.env') ===...
I've got my application where I have the web and api. I've used deployer.org to deploy into two diff...
I've upgraded to Laravel 10. I've updated model to use HasUuids, and migrations to use $table->uu...
It is api app APP_URL=https://api.mydomain.com.br:${APP_PORT} app APP_URL=https://painel.mydomain.co...
Do you mean that you deploy the same application twice? Once for the api and once for the frontend?...
I've also done a few other things but still not working. I've tried to generate relative urls but s...
@tvbeek I see your sample app do not have api. what would be the best approach to setup two differen...
Thank you @tvbeek I will review those providers and see what I can disable. I will try monitor the s...
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