Hello, I have laravel 5.8 app installed on ubuntu 18( under Digital Ocean ) under domain: https://ww...
Hello, In laravel 5.5 retriving rows from postgresql function using DB::select($sql) where sql : se...
Hi, If there is a way in laravel 5.4 to make tracing log of all sql statements? I mean Barryvdh\D...
Hi, outputing data from created_at field lavarel 5.4/postgresql 9.4 I got error: InvalidArgumentExce...
Hello, in laravel 5.4 setting rule for unique name like $rules = array( 'name' => 'r...
I have just payed attention that my application home Link had “/” at end. Could it be the issue? I...
Thanks for answer! If found that similar rule works ok when I need "=" in sql statement r...
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