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Requests Database Forms
Last updated 2 years ago.

Here are some of the steps I recommend:

  1. Bind a click event to your checkboxes with Jquery.
  2. Make an AJAX call to the server when the click event is detected.
  3. Capture the request on your controller in the server.
  4. Have your controller use your model to save the data to the database.

Below is some code example that shows some of the relevant sections I use to manage comment postings on a project. Basically I'm binding a click event to a comment container, then posting a message to the server, using AJAx, to see if the user is logged in to post comments. If the user is logged in, I post another AJAX request to send the comment to the server. If user is not logged in, then I show the login form to the user.

Hopefully the example could be beneficial to you:

Jquery code that binds click event and make AJAX calls to the server:

* Manages site comments. Makes sure user is logged in before posting new comments and replies
* @author: Jorge Garifuna <[email protected]>
* @date 2/9/14
* @param bool isLoggedInUrl
* @param string baseCommentUrl
* @param string loginUrl
* @param string modelTitle
* @param string waitMessage
* @param string errorMessage
function manageComments(isLoggedInUrl, baseCommentUrl, loginUrl, modelTitle, waitMessage, errorMessage) {

    // requesting to reply to comment. Check if user is logged in to show reply form. If user not login, prompt to login before replying.
    $('.comments-container .comment-detail .comment-reply').on('click', function(e) {

        var replyContainer = $(this).closest('.container').siblings('.reply-form-container');

        if (':visible')) { // hide form
        } else { // show reply form
            var itemId = $(this).children('a').first().data('item-id');
            var recordType = $(this).children('a').first().data('record-type');
            var parentId = $(this).children('a').first().data('parent-id');
            // call server to check if user is logged in
            isUserLoggedIn(isLoggedInUrl, function(data) {
                if (data == 1) { // get comment reply form

                    // build request url
                    var formUrl = baseCommentUrl + '/' + itemId + '/' + recordType + '/' + parentId;

                    // make the ajax call
                    makeAjaxGetCall(formUrl, function(data) {
                        if (data == 'error') {
                        } else {
                            // hide all open reply forms
                            $('.comments-container .comment-detail .reply-form-container').hide();

                            // show this new reply form
                else { // get login screen
                    loginForm(loginUrl, modelTitle, waitMessage, errorMessage)

* Checks if user is logged in by calling server with given URL via AJAX
* @author: Jorge Garifuna <[email protected]>
* @date 2/9/14
* @param string url
* @param object callback
function isUserLoggedIn(url, callback) {
    makeAjaxGetCall(url, callback);

* Makes AJAX call to server using GET method
* @author: Jorge Garifuna <[email protected]>
* @date 2/9/14
* @param string url
* @param object callback
function makeAjaxGetCall(url, callback) {
    url = getProperUrlForProtocal(url);
        type: "GET",
        url: url,
        dataType: "html",
        success: function(data) {
        error: function() {

* Makes AJAX call to server using POST method
* @author: Jorge Garifuna <[email protected]>
* @date 2/9/14
* @param string url
* @param object callback
function makeAjaxPostCall(url, callback, data) {
    url = getProperUrlForProtocal(url);
        type: "post",
        url: url,
        data: data,
        dataType: "html",
        success: function(data) {
        error: function() {

Controller that receives the user request and calls the model when appropriate to save the comment to the database:

         * Add comment
         * @author Jorge Garifuna <[email protected]>
         * @date 2/9/14
         * @param string $desireType
         * @return void
        public function actionAddComment($itemId, $recordType, $parentId = null)

            $userInput = Input::all();
            $validationRules = Comment::$commentValidations;

            $validator = Validator::make($userInput, $validationRules);

            if ($validator->fails())
            { // validation failed
                Session::flash(CartController::ERROR_MESSAGE_KEY, Lang::get('garimp3.form_validation_failed_message'));
                return Redirect::back()

            switch ($recordType)
                case UserProductDesire::RECORD_TYPE_BRAND: // @todo: fix for brand
                    $result = Comment::addPublicProductComment($userInput, $itemId, $recordType, $parentId);


                    $result = Comment::addPublicProductComment($userInput, $itemId, $recordType, $parentId);

            if ($result['success'])
                Session::flash(CartController::SUCCESS_MESSAGE_KEY, Lang::get('garimp3.account_vendor_brand_saved_success_header'));
                Session::flash(CartController::ERROR_MESSAGE_KEY, $result['error']);

            return Redirect::back();

Model that actually saves the comment to the database:


         * Add  product comment
         * @param int|null $productId
         * @author Jorge Garifuna <[email protected]>
         * @date 1/24/14
         * @return object|null
        static public function addPublicProductComment($userInput, $itemId, $recordType, $parentId)
            $result = array('success' => false, 'errors' => array(), 'warning' => array());
            $item = null;
            $isProduct = false;
            if ($recordType === UserProductDesire::RECORD_TYPE_PRODUCT)
                $item = User::getProduct($itemId);
                $isProduct = true;
            else if ($recordType === UserProductDesire::RECORD_TYPE_BRAND)
                $item = User::getBrand($itemId);

            if (!$item)
                $result['errors'][] = Lang::get('garimp3.error_could_not_locate_product');

                $fieldsArray = array_intersect_key($userInput, Comment::getFields());
                $fieldsArray[User::USER_ID_FOREIGN_KEY_FIELD_NAME] = User::getLoggedInUserId();

                if ($isProduct)
                { // product
                    $brandId = $item->brand_id;
                    $productId = $item->id;
                { // brand
                    $brandId = $item->id;
                    $productId = null;

                $fieldsArray[Product::PRODUCT_ID_FOREIGN_KEY_FIELD_NAME] = $productId; // product id
                $fieldsArray[Brand::BRAND_ID_FOREIGN_KEY_FIELD_NAME] = $brandId; // brand id

                $fieldsArray[Utils::IP_FIELD_NAME] = User::getUserIp(); // save ip address
                $fieldsArray[Utils::LOCATION_DATA_FIELD_NAME] = Utils::getIpLocationData($fieldsArray[Utils::IP_FIELD_NAME]); // save location data
                $fieldsArray[Utils::ACTIVE_FIELD_NAME] = 1;
                $fieldsArray[Utils::PUBLISHED_FIELD_NAME] = 1;
                $fieldsArray[Utils::PARENT_ID_FIELD_NAME] = $parentId;
                $fieldsArray['published_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

                $record = new Comment($fieldsArray);

                if (!$record->save())
                { // error saving
                    $result['errors'] = Lang::get('garimp3.error_saving_user_data_message');
                { // success
                    $result['success'] = true;
                    if (empty($parentId))
                    { // new parent comment
                        $eventExtra = 'comment id: ' . $record->id;
                        $event = EventsHandler::USER_ACCOUNT_COMMENT_ADD;
                    { // reply
                        $eventExtra = 'comment id: ' . $record->id . ', reply to: ' . $parentId;
                        $event = EventsHandler::USER_ACCOUNT_COMMENT_REPLY;

                    Event::fire($event, array('item' => array('extra' => $eventExtra, 'brandId' => $brandId, 'productId' => $productId)));
            return $result;
Last updated 2 years ago.

Well, you'd bind a function to the 'change' event using jQuery. That function would use the standard jQuery ajax function along with whatever data you grab to send to some route/url on your site using JSON, which you can use the standard Input::get() laravel function to get and process/store in your controller method.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi guys!

Thanks a lot for your answers! I got the solution thanks to jgarifuna's code files!

Last updated 2 years ago.

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