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Last updated 2 years ago.

even with update to last version , laravel has the probelm....

Last updated 2 years ago.

What's the contents of test.blade.php? Do you know that from the controller code you posted, no variables are being passed to the view, is that intentional?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi Ali , I checked it in my enviroment it only logs once, Maybe it is a problem about your Routes.php or your view.

In your error log the first line is for "15:41:52" and the second is for "15:41:55" the difference is 3 seconds , it's not normal for this lines of code.

Last updated 2 years ago.

opb said:

What's the contents of test.blade.php? Do you know that from the controller code you posted, no variables are being passed to the view, is that intentional?

the content of test.blade is only @extends('dashboard.layouts'), yes I didn't pass any variable intentional because of test. After several test I found I have this problem only in google chrome :-| and in firefox working good .

Last updated 2 years ago.

bigsinoos said:

Hi Ali , I checked it in my enviroment it only logs once, Maybe it is a problem about your Routes.php or your view.

In your error log the first line is for "15:41:52" and the second is for "15:41:55" the difference is 3 seconds , it's not normal for this lines of code.

the view is not important, I have this problem only in google chrome and in firefox working good all things . Only in google chrome I have the log with 2 diffrent time ...

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaay I Solved my problem , It's realy funny. I have fav icon tag in my header view that favicon.png doesn't exists and the problem was for this line :))

 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.png"/>

Thanks to opb and bigsinoos

Last updated 2 years ago.

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