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Last updated 2 years ago.

Please show error log

Last updated 2 years ago.

[2014-07-29 22:30:40] production.ERROR: exception 'Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException' with message 'Class 'JpGraph\src\jpgraph\Graph' not found' in D:\SensorClusterApp\app\controllers\TemperatureController.php:19 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: Illuminate\Exception\Handler->handleShutdown() #1 {main} [] []

Last updated 2 years ago.

If you're ok with javascript graphs you have tons of them available. Chartjs is very simple to integrate.

Or try adding

base_path() . '/vendor/{JpGraph_dir}'

to app/start/global.php at the end (or it might go to ClassLoader in same file). It might work.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Yea i could use that, but i would like to understand why its not working..

Last updated 2 years ago.

You don't need to add a line to require vendor/autoload.php in your controller. You DO, however, need to run composer dump-autoload from the command line.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I see. you not yet complete in config/app.php and publish this

require 'D:/SensorClusterApp/Vendor/autoload.php';

i think not need

Last updated 2 years ago.

Ok got it! But how do i instantiate a class that is inside a wrapper? JpGraph.php has a lot of classes, doing

$graph = new \JpGraph\src\jpgraph\Graph();

doesnt work!

Last updated 2 years ago.

Here it is, the working example, put this in routes.php JpGraph is initialized with static methods load, and then module... load module that you need.

Route::any("/rs", function () {


// Some data
    $data = array(50, 28, 25, 27, 31, 20);

// A new pie graph
    $graph = new PieGraph(600, 600, 'auto');

// Setup title
    $graph->title->Set("Pie plot with center circle");
    $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 14);
    $graph->title->SetMargin(8); // Add a little bit more margin from the top
// Create the pie plot
    $p1 = new PiePlotC($data);

// Set size of pie

// Label font and color setup
    $p1->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 10);

// Setup the title on the center circle
    $p1->midtitle->Set("Test mid\nRow 1\nRow 2");
    $p1->midtitle->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 10);

// Set color for mid circle

// Use percentage values in the legends values (This is also the default)

// Add plot to pie graph

// .. and send the image on it's marry way to the browser

    $response = Response::make(

    $response->header('content-type', 'image/png');

    return $response;

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks @majstors , works flawlessly! I had an issue regarding the BarPlot class, but adding:



Last updated 2 years ago.

I'm still struggling to get JpGraph working in Laravel 5. What are the complete steps to reference all the classes?


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