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Blade Forms
Last updated 2 years ago.

Well in that example you have triple { and } I'm getting confused what are your output exactly. Maybe you can be more specific?

Last updated 2 years ago.

@araceus2000 i'm outputing just DB query, nothing more than that, but if someone puts <script>alert();</script> i can escape it with {{{ right? And this works fine on my local enviroment, but when i use this code on production side, it triggers this Javascript alert() function.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I'm still confused.

Okey the thing is are you showing the query in screen? And only want to show it in some cases?

I don't know if this is going to help you but I use this when I make a return and want to run a different function when the page is ready maybe you can use it or change the if for other cases when you want to use the alert.

            $(function() {
Last updated 2 years ago.

I think the question being asked is simply: {{{}}} is working locally for escaping user submitted content when echoing to the screen, but it isn't working when pushed to development. So user content of malicious <script></script> Tag submitted by a user still bears the html tags even when {{{}}} is used to echo the content back.

As for an answer... Sorry!

Last updated 2 years ago.

Yes @opb, and the problem is solved. I don't know how, but it just worked after few hours of struggle.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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