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IOC Packages
Last updated 2 years ago.

You're right, you don't need to put anything in the provides() method since you aren't binding anything with register().

I believe provides() is only used for deferred service providers, i.e. service providers that don't get run when the framework boots, but when a service they provide is requested from the IoC container. When Laravel compiles, it checks what services each deferred service provider provides, caches that in the storage/meta/services.json file which can then be looked up to find out which service provider class to execute to get the requested binding registered.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I've been reading around and I thought it would be something like this.

There are various tutorials on creating a Laravel's package, but none of them talks about the purpose of the provides() method. It's clearer to me now.

Thanks maknz!

Last updated 2 years ago.

Its clearly describe the purpose of provides method in ServiceProvider class.

please have a look to


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