Why is it that if you set the "SetEnv" environment in a virtualhost it does not work in la...
Well as the topic says, when all is done and running it just hangs for say 10 seconds every x minute...
Pastbin is always easier, see http://laravel.io/bin/dm73 For some reason it doesnt find the class, i...
I had strange hickups in homestead.. posted it here and 2 days later it resolved itself. (maybe pos...
I'll mark above as solution from thepsion, since that was the question. But i did find another solut...
Duh, should have thought of that. I got it working now. So now i dont need a .env.xxxx.php file.. on...
I think you need a course or something first. But a good start to learn all kinds of stuff would be...
Check the vendor/composer/installed.json see if it says 4.2.x But in vendor/laravel/framework/src/Il...
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