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posted 10 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

what about using a model full of static methods and vars, ie

class ObjectModelRepresenation {

	public static $prop1 = null;
	public static $prop2 = null;
	public static $prop3  = null;
	public static function init() {
		// initialize your object using the configuarion file
		$file = json_decode( File::get( app_path() . '/assets/config.json' ) );
		static::$prop1 = $file->prop1;
		static::$prop2 = $file->prop2;
		static::$prop3 = $file->prop3;
		// etc

because it's a model is automactillay avaiable across all your code

now, you need to initialize before any controllers get trigger, so in filters.php do this


now in yours controllers you can access any property by ObjectModelRepresenation::$prop1, so rembember to make all of its internal code public and static

Last updated 2 years ago.

Your object:

class Object
      public $property1;
      public $property2;

      public function __construct(Array $config)
             $this->property1 = $config['property1'];
             $this->property2 = $config['property2'];

In a service provider's register() method:

App::bind('Your\Object', function() {
     return new Your\Object( Config::get('your.config') );

Need a shared instance (same object every time)?

App::singleton('Your\Object', function() {
     return new Your\Object( Config::get('your.config') );
Last updated 2 years ago.

In my opinion @GRAgmLauncher is correct with the suggestion of using App::singleton. Laravel should register the resource as a singleton which is then able to be injected by the IoC via the __construct() method of your controller.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi, @GRAgmLauncher seems ok to me! Thank you.

After digging into some resources out there, I found that we can of course use Service Providers to manage our bindings.


Last updated 2 years ago.

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