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Input Database Forms
Last updated 2 years ago.

I think you're looking for the faceted search ? do a google search for "laravel facet search" and there are many tutorials.


I think this will solve it:

{{{ $result['name'] }}}

on /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder.php

 * Execute the query as a "select" statement.
 * @param  array  $columns
 * @return array|static[]
public function get($columns = array('*'))
	return $this->getFresh($columns);

As written there, this function returns array.

Last updated 9 years ago.

In your view you are looking for a variable called $results which is not set. When you are creating your view you are only passing through one variable called $products in your code: return view('search')->with('products', $results);

Either change your return to be return view('search')->with('results', $results); or update your view to use $products rather than $results.

Let me know if you need more help :-)

Last updated 9 years ago.

Hey thanks for replying :) . I changed it but i cant get the results. The view says either Undefined index: name or if I have it like $product->name it says call to non object. Any ideas?

Last updated 9 years ago.

I would be interested in seeing a var_dump of $results because from what I can see it should be working unless I have forgotten some idiosyncrasy of how Laravels query builder returns results.


Does your view (blade template) now look like this maneesaj?

   if(isset($products)){ ?>
  @foreach($products as $product)
   {{{ $product->name }}}
  <?php } else {
  echo "products not set";

(I've kept similar to your original code, simply substituting $results and $result for $products and $product. You could clean a little more using blade syntax for the if/else statements.)


Hey Thanks for the replies. I managed to fix it, it was an issue with the database migrations. Thanks for your help :).


Match your controller and view files with the one given here: This is a working tutorial on create live search in Laravel 5.5. Basic things should be the same. This could work for you as well. Try out.


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maneesaj maneesaj Joined 28 Feb 2015


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