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April 24th 2024

Find Open-Source Laravel/PHP Projects to Contribute to

Introduction I love open-source software. I love the idea of being able to contribute to a project t...

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March 11th 2024

How to get your Laravel app from 0 to 9 with Larastan

Finding bugs in your Laravel app before it's even executed is possible, thanks to Larastan, which is...

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January 16th 2023

Laravel Collections: The Artisan's Guide

Introduction Laravel Collections are really powerful for working with arrays of data. They provide a...

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August 8th 2022

Why don't you start writing tests?

See how easy it is to get started with automated testing in Laravel There are hundreds of articles...

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139 Articles

published on 14 Mar, 2022

Laravel WebSockets Server with Valet and SSL

Preamble Thanks to Marcel Pociot et. al. for the awesome Laravel package. Thanks to DevMarketer for...

6 min read

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published on 7 Mar, 2022

Create make:custom commands

Laravel comes with a feature that allows us to scaffold some commonly used classes, like models, fac...

3 min read

brunoalfred, cosmeoes, yvan-burrie, suandedev liked this article

published on 28 Feb, 2022

Using Semantic Elements to Improve Your HTML

Introduction Making sure that your website is easy for search engines to crawl and understand is hug...

6 min read

driesvints, riyanamanda, ash-jc-allen, edubook007, sonu842001 liked this article

published on 24 Feb, 2022

Server side rendering with Laravel + Inertia.js + Vue.js

SEO is really important so you should have SSR (server side rendering) whenever you are building a S...

4 min read

driesvints, geowrgetudor, lantrinh1999 liked this article

published on 24 Feb, 2022

Setting up Laravel with Inertia.js + Vue.js + Tailwind CSS

NOTICE: This guide was written using Laravel 8, but it 100% works on Laravel 9. Laravel is by far...

11 min read

driesvints, geowrgetudor, raziul, nadu, simomrh liked this article

published on 21 Feb, 2022

Zero downtime deployment for Laravel apps

While I was building (a Laravel remote job aggregator), I was worried that each ti...

5 min read

driesvints, cosmeoes liked this article

published on 11 Feb, 2022

Laravel 9.0 Now Available!

This week we shipped Laravel 9.0 - the exciting next chapter in our journey to make web development...

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gpeeyoo liked this article

published on 10 Feb, 2022

Filter Eloquent models with multiple optional filters

Often we need to filter eloquent models when displaying to a view. If we have a small number of filt...

7 min read

driesvints, cosmeoes, ovillafuerte94, iamadriandev, arnonm-intel, mathewslima, simonbarrettact, phcostabh, simomrh, elkdev and more liked this article

published on 4 Feb, 2022

How to find the slowest query in your application

Is your website slow? does it take ages to load? Are the users complaining that it's almost unusable...

5 min read

cosmeoes, driesvints, dragonfire1119, umutphp, preeda, geovanek, syofyanzuhad, olayiwolaaa, yvan-burrie, neil and more liked this article

published on 4 Feb, 2022

How (and when) to fake an Eloquent model

In a recent Laravel project I've built (following TDD principles) I stumbled across this problem: H...

4 min read

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