Hello, I have a Market Model. I need to add the open/closed function with a Calendar Event and didn'...
Hello, everyone, I'm trying to fire some event using the Indatus/dispatcher https://github.com/Indat...
Hello Guys. I recently added HTML class by using composer to Laravel 5, but HTML::image() method ret...
I cannot get rid of the following error: {"error":{"type":"Symfony\\Compone...
Node fails to install elixir. npm ERR! node v0.12.2 npm ERR! npm v2.7.4 npm ERR! code ETARGET npm...
I am trying to setup jpgraph with Laravel 4 but I don't know how to use external library with the fr...
In my standalone (without Laravel) project i want to use Illuminate IoC container. Also i would like...
Hey everyone, Got a error when I run composer update, it first updates everything and creates the lo...
Hi, I use the laracasts/flash package to flash messages to views/sessions. However, if I flash a mes...
Hi, Currently I'm working on the back-end system of my website and I've created a module where admin...
I am trying to manipulate images in Laravel using intervention. I have followed all the required set...
Hi everyone! I started with Laravel 5 following the Blog example from Laracasts (Laravel 5 Fundament...
What is the better way to include HTML package? "require": { "illuminate/html&quo...
I'm currently going crazy trying ease our package development, I have managed to successfully bootst...
I want to create a library class called Points. This class will just have a single method to send da...
Hi! Since Laravel 5, it is interest to me - how to register and use console command from package in...
I'm getting odd errors here when I tried: Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash::make('stuff') or \Hash::m...
I'm creating a Package and I want to offer the possibility of change the Alias. public function...
Hey guys, it's been a while I've been flirting with the open source forum Discourse (http://www.disc...
Hi guys, im creating another table using migration in laravel php artisan migrate:make ems after fix...
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