I'm developing a web application using the Laravel framework. I'm using the Laravel session system i...
Hello, a question, how can I check if a session does not exists? if (Session::has('ac_responsibleAr...
Hi, I have a login program (PHP) that writes sessions after a successful login and then the user is...
How can i get the device and browser from user_agent Like $device->user_agent->browser blade @...
ngoquocdat liked this thread
Is there a way to retrieve all user sessions and sessions for the current login user from the sessio...
Heelo, I want to show an alert after log in in laravel 6* , how can this be done idk what to use in...
I use Laravel Framework 5.8.29 - in backend(API) Angular-js - in Frontend So My issue: I use session...
Hi Guys, i have a strange problem with my website based on laravel. The point is when i try lo load...
Bonjour je voudrais savoir comment faire pour : éviter qu'un utilisateur se connecte simultanément...
Hi all Sorry if this question has already been posted before. I am new here and tried searching via...
Hi everybody, I'm learning about Laravel. When i code shopping cart project, i have a problem with S...
[ASK : Multitenant with Multidatabase Auth Problem] fyi: i'm using redis as session management and w...
When I set the session.domain configuration variable, I find that Laravel is suddenly unable to reco...
I decided to do the upgrade and regretting it now so I am hoping to find someone else who might have...
I have recently upgraded my project from Laravel 5.1 to 5.4. Everything is working fine except for f...
I'm newbie. I want to create a simple web app (ex: a forum only have home page and post pages, in ea...
Is there a way to logout user when his IP is changed? Where can I check if his IP is changed for all...
Recently I started working on a new project. There was a problem with logging in. I and my teammate,...
im using php artisan make:auth any ideas on how to insert the user id of the current login-ed user?...
I just uploaded my site to DreamHost (http://thepixelshades.com) and I'm now getting a TokenMismatch...
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