Hi, I'm currently having the following problem that $eloquentEntity->relation->count() and $el...
Hello, First of all I'd like to say that I have no other choice but using SQL Server ( and IIS as we...
I'm trying to make my notifications for Laravel 6 mail out effectively. I have a model (Event) that...
It has the following tables: companies, addresses and company_address. I want to remove a record fro...
Hi all. I have 3 tables in Laravel: doctors, clinics and clinic_doctors. Doctors have relation: publ...
Laravel Version: 5.7.25 PHP Version: 7.2.14 Database Driver & Version: MySQL 2ª gen. 5.7 We ar...
Hi, In my Laravel project, my users-table and password_resets-table are located in the database Inte...
Hello!! I am new in Laravel society. :) And I stuck with something. I made view in database and I do...
I have my eloquent models set up with user has many-to-many roles and roles have many-to-many permis...
Well I'm new to laravel, & still learning it. Basically when i use php artisan migrate, it migra...
I'm trying to find all rows in c table (see DB schema) associated with one row in a table. Connected...
Hello, I'm trying to do this (Laravel 4.2) : In database.php 'default' => '', In a function $mod...
Hey Guys, I am just trying to understand the depth of the has many through relationship as well as i...
Hello , I have a question . I want to search Tags ( Many to Many ) in My post , JUST if I select tho...
Hello Everyone, I have a requirement of retrieving 5 million records from MySQL database and compari...
I have two models MediaProfile and MediaProfilesContent. MediaProfile has many MediaProfilesContent...
Unit Model: namespace App\Models\Qualification; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Unit...
Is there any way to search encrypted data? I have tried as below, but always end up as record not fo...
Is possible to create custom model events as creating, created, updating, update, ...? Thanks in adv...
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