Hi, I've recently moved my local dev env from MAMP to Homestead in order to clean up my system. Yet...
Today I have a User model with a method updateWith($attrbs). It's just an example. If my object is a...
The route cannot recognize between get and post ,it is take only get and my code in 'routes.php' fil...
Hi, I have installed laravel on my root folder of the server. But i had previously other folders run...
OK, I have been reading about Laraval 4, and very excited with everything that I have read so far....
We have tried 2 different affiliate programs and both generate the banner URLs in the form above. I...
How do you set defaults for timestamp column? $table->timestamp('row_modified')->default(DB::r...
I realize this is a really basic question, but I haven't been able to figure this one out. I'm tryi...
I have a site running perfectly on a vagrant vm on my local machine. I've deployed the site to a Dig...
Hi all, Can anyone give me a hand? I am trying to use system enviroment variables to log into my lar...
Hello I made an app where users can upload images, and I want to restrict image dimensions to less t...
I have the following route: Route::get('/gallery', function() { return View::make('hello'); }); If...
Hello, Im pretty new on laravel, and today i'm stuck on simple (it looks like) thing. I have named r...
Hi everybody, First of all, I'm a newbie on Laravel Framwork. I love this framework, therefore I cho...
i try to populate the data from database in to PDF file in dompdf i tried something like this. class...
All, Looking to use simple workflow package in laravel framwork and couldn't find anyone. Looking t...
Is there any workflow plugins identified or Laravel, like YII's 'simpleworkflow' ? Please help
Hi, I'm totally new to Laravel. I'm trying to follow the example on the "Routing" section...
Hi, I am a newbie in Laravel, and I have a question about how to pass variable to a master blade pag...
Hi, I am having an issue with removing active class from link, But first... I have created a Restful...
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