Hi, I am in efforts to get unique value to show in View Blade , I need to print Country Name single...
Hi, right now I'm trying to use laravel in a personal application but I have found an important prob...
Hello guys, I was wondering how can i cache paginated collection this is my code so far. public fun...
i'm start learn laravel few days ago, i try to follow tutorial in laravel 4 but i am using laravel 5...
First off, I must admit that i'm a total newbie at Laravel and frameworks in general. Now, I have th...
Hi, I have a form like this, {!! Form::open(array('action' => 'InfoController@index', 'method' =&...
Hello, I'm looking for a jQuery plugin to apply a mask over my monetary inputs . I tried a lot of th...
I previously worked without a framework and so now I am stuck in creating a pop up modal in laravel...
I'm using Laravel 4 and I've created an accordian and so far I've got all of them closed. The proble...
Hey can you help me with this error ?? I'm using Laravel 5.0 which is include with login and registe...
Hello, I am looking for any method for progession rate generation during the execution of the query....
In PingPong Menu I need to use a picture inside the menu as title. Its a concatenation problem I nee...
I want to convert this HTML form open tag in form facade. <form id="form1" role="form" method="PO...
I've built a small site for a proof of concept within Homestead. I'm trying to get it to work on the...
I am new to Laravel. I have created a form where there is the ability to multiple upload files. The...
This is my route: Route::resource('/', 'PostsController'); PostController's show() method: publ...
Today i updated laravel, and now simple blade commands are not working. For example: @section('scrip...
I have two models: Event and EventLink. Event has a one-to-many relationship with EventLink, and Eve...
Class Channel extends Model { ... ... public function getSubscribersAttribute(){ return $this-&...
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