In my project, when i remove .blade extension from view file, it works. But with this extension ther...
I have a list of hotels from each state. Instead of creating 7 pages for each of the states, I just...
How can I pass Bllim datatables to blade view and use @foreach in the Blade View to check some condi...
My view: <h2>Laravel Autocomplete</h2> <?= Form::open() ?> <?= Form::label('aut...
hi im learning the laravel ropes and pretty into it. been following this tuitorial: https://www.pack...
Hello.. I use elixir to mix bootstrap.less .. The orriginal lees files included with laravel 5. But...
I am new to Laravel, I am trying to use Bootstrap with Laravel but it is very difficult to use with...
Hi, I have the 404.blade.php file in the resources/views/errors and it extends master.blade.php, lik...
this is so strange css is not loading in one page only i have blades files extends a main.blade.php...
I have some function which I need to call in my view(comment.bade.php) and return $id, this is funct...
Hey folks - my first post here, but been using Laravel for a little over a year now. I have an eCom...
My model: class Boxstyle extends Eloquent { protected $fillable = array('BoxStyle'); my table...
I have a controller: $boxstyles = boxstyles::lists('boxstyle', 'id'); Model: protected $fillable = a...
Hi, {{\Auth::user()->nickname or \Auth::user()->firstname}} returns 1 while //works {{\Auth::...
This triggers a fatal error Blade::extend(function($view, $compiler) { $pattern = $compiler->...
i have an issues with java script or j query this is my java script code $('#furniture .accordi...
Hi, I'm very new to laravel and started with laravel 5. I'm currently facing trouble where I can't s...
i want to use chat functionality in my project but i don't know how to implement this. how can i imp...
Hello. I tried to place Blade::extend to bootstrap/blade.php. Then I require this file in bootstrap/...
I seem to be having an issue using Form::model My controller looks like: in public function edit(T...
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