If I am trying to log out of my application, I got the following error: "Action Sentinel\Contro...
Playing video games is one of the most fun thing for introverts who love to play. It improves your d...
I'm new to programming specially in Laravel, I hope you could help me. It means a lot for me. I'm no...
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How to implement phpredis correctly as a session driver in PHP.ini and work well in laravel in apply...
Bonjour je voudrais savoir comment faire pour : éviter qu'un utilisateur se connecte simultanément...
I am using Auth scaffolding in laravel 5.5. But when i try to go to /login or /register,i am redirec...
Hi All I am running a Laravel 5.7 (PHP 7.1) project that routes users to different sub-domains depen...
Hello, What is the best way to logout specific user in Laravel? Auth::logout() will just logout th...
Question: How to destroy users' session or logout user when the user closed the browser? There are s...
Hello I have the similar problem as https://github.com/laravel/framework/issues/13000 but i don't un...
Is it possible to set a cookie in the terminate function of a middleware? I have tried to create it...
In my implementation of "Post-Redirect-Get" flow for Laravel a problem appears when using...
I have a problem with my laravel application, it is like a nightmare to me ? I've tried everything I...
Hello everyone! I have very exciting question form me. What is a right way to authenticate your SPA...
Hey, I want to sent SMS to user's mobile. The message should be sent in the users language. Where I...
I have set up login feature for normal login (email, password) and facebook login using socialite. E...
I'm getting session persistence issue in laravel 5.6 ... the issue I'm facing is: Like I have 2 user...
Laravel It is commonly known that Laravel offers expressive and elegant syntax for developing web ap...
I have a site with 2 different logins, one for users (I use the default auth) and one for admins, fo...
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