Hi, i would like to create a bilingual website, let's say english and french: http://www.domain.com/...
Hi I'm trying to insall composer on a mac machine, I downloaded the composer.phar to my /Application...
would it be possible to change the Laravel schema manipulation for timestamps to set the DEFAULT val...
In my view I am displaying an array of items with their prices and etc. I want to check it that item...
I have 3 tables: vehicles, drivers and vehicle_driver_owners. drivers table includes all the registe...
I am working on app, which required a form in bootstrap modal and also load the form dynamically. i...
So as my application grows in complexity, there are many forms that have jQuery event driven conditi...
Hi, Is it possible to specify a variable as part of the name of lets say a submit button? Like this:...
Hi guys, I'm trying to run the following queries and running into this error: preg_replace(): Parame...
Hello, ##Tables structure ###Users id - AI password - string email - string userable_id - integer us...
Hey guys, Im trying to implement repositories in my application structure. I cannot seem to pinpoint...
i m facing this error in PhpStorm while debug project Fatal error: Class 'Whoops\TestCase' not found...
Hi, So I added an service provider to my providers array (see the code below). I have a folder calle...
Attributes Cartalyst's Attributes package allows you to attach attributes to objects, it utilizes th...
Im trying to work out the best method of injecting dependencies via my constructor and storing them...
Hey, Currently, I have implemented @barryvdh's Laravel DOMPDF wrapper so that I can create PDFs from...
I've been trying to figure this out for hours.. Laravel simply won't load .env.staging.php although...
I'm trying to limit the number of attributes that all() returns, but failing to do so by using setHi...
Please help me out in implementing a worker server, where I need to push queue,delete queue,list of...
Laravel automatically adds CSRF protection for all POST requests, but what's the best way to add CSR...
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