I have Mysql database column story and game_time etc. I want to these avg But ı don't know How to av...
Hi all, I’ve recently been playing around with Larvel and building a sample project to try and wrap...
Hi, I have an very strange problem which I never had before and I only have this problem with my rol...
Hi, i will run a function ("fn_test()") at my mssql Server. This function should returns a...
Hello, when an admin creates a user, is it a practical option to automatically pass a random passwor...
zworthkey liked this thread
We are using Laravel Framework 5.8.38 We are using RDS Mysql as Database. The configuration is as fo...
`In my Laravel application, I am trying to send mail notification based on the company_id of the log...
I would like to build a multi auth system, where companies can sign up, and have an admin that can c...
Simple question: which is the best table name (to use with eloquent) for a counter between authors a...
We had question for everyone who is using Laravel. What you think about using Google Firebase's Clou...
Can the shop manager in e-commerce also delete products, or only has the option to create and edit,...
LarCan the shop manager in e-commerce also delete products, or only has the option to create and edi...
Hello Laravel Community, I am a beginner in Laravel. I have learned the soft delete concept using []...
The following command is not creating a record in my database: $person = Person::create($_REQUEST);...
kenoli liked this thread
Good morning everyone, i have a small problem with the "whereYear" query. In the backend t...
Hello it's already been 1 week I'm struggling to connect to my sql server with the laravel framework...
alexanderfalkenberg, imanghafoori1 liked this thread
Hi everyone I'm encountering a problem, morphedByMany relationship "manipulates" column on...
https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/socialite Using the Social Sign-in in a Laravel 8.x App/Site Is my resp...
lse123 liked this thread
Invoices Model: public function items(){ return $this->hasMany('\App\InvoiceItems','invoice_id','...
I want to do a live video streaming for one of my gaming tournament platform where user can join the...
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