I just installed new laravel 4 fresh copy. new copy url : http://localhost/ln/public I setup config...
Hello folks, I am currently working on a problem that makes me want to smack my head on my table. I...
I plan to make 2 different laravel projects ( At Dedicated Server where each project has a differe...
I am new to PHP and Laravel. I have a table games and a model Game. In routes.php, I am doing the fo...
Hi, i have the following code in an eloquent model: public static function boot() { pare...
Hi everybody, I like to create a many-to-many relationship between an existing (non-prefixed) and a...
hey guys and girls, got a predicament i need some help with. I'm building (hopefully) a really devel...
What I need to achieve: One Veiculo "MAY" have one Colaborador, and a Colaborador "MA...
Hello awesome Laravel community!!! This is my events table in DB $table->increments('id');...
After auth when getting user i need to exclude all values except needed, hot to do this? Tried somet...
The "Repository" was the elusive unicorn that I struggled to grapple for a decent amount o...
Hey guys, just found out some functionality in Eloquent and View classes. I think this does help out...
I am migrating a legacy PHP app to Laravel and am having difficulty trying to re-write a 'store loca...
Hi all, I've just started using Laravel and I am really enjoying it. I am a little confused about ho...
Hi all, I have 3 tables: companies, schedules and companies_schedules. I want in the companies_sched...
Hi all, i have a simple eloquent query and want to count multiple stats. $folder = Folder::whereUser...
Hi there, Struggling to get my head around this one, I am trying to get the SUM if a relationships c...
Seeing the latest changes of the User Model and User Authentication in the latest versions of Larave...
Hi All, I am trying to create a relationship between a used by many Ribbon and a User however I want...
##Summary## I am building a music discovery service. My question is: How do I insert data into the t...
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