I didn't set the model for this table. But i would like to know how to process it in the view. Do I...
Hello My dear laravel buddies, i have my e-shop, so here i have an issues for click tab with active...
Hi, My app needs to load my views from navigation by ajax call using jQuery's load() method. But whe...
I have in some blade PHP files put following row with definition of parameter: <?php $WebBasicLo...
After loading the view with the columns, there are three opciones: add data, edit or remove current...
I have a large number of models, mainly ones that only have columns like name, description. What wou...
I got this error when i try to see the content. Use of undefined constant id_web - assumed 'id_web'...
Hello, I'm very new in laravel and php and hope that somebody can help me. I want to add this code:...
I have database outpu like [{"lessonTypeId":"1"},{"lessonTypeId":"...
These are the steps i have done to enable HTML and Form into laravel 5 I have added illuminate/html...
I have in controller : $lista = Lesson::where('id', $id_less) ->with(['user' => function ($q)...
Hi! I'm starting my adventure with Laravel, and unfortunately I encounered a problem. My app templat...
I have this code in template blase: @section('views', $post->views) when i call the views from t...
Hello world! I am quite new to laravel. Need to add some extra js and css in my own admin. I have la...
I am learning Grunt, NPM, bower and GIT and am making my front-end html as a separate project. By th...
Halo, I am using same view to create a form and edit it. But the edit is not working. Below is the c...
Routes.php Route::post('/status', [ 'as' => 'status', 'uses' => 'StatusController@po...
I'm trying to upgrade a legacy app and there I basically need to echo out a bunch of hierarchical da...
Hello friends, I have five tables and all of them have different number of columns. I want to create...
Hello. I recently finished my website's transition to Laravel and all that is left is the current fo...
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