Hey, ill got these Views http://laravel.io/bin/mWdxm Now if i open the main.blade.php ill expect to...
I generate report in browser, but it has problem with the large data or multiple record viewed (brow...
Template: http://themeforest.net/item/metronic-responsive-admin-dashboard-template/4021469?WT.ac=cat...
I'm just new in laravel. I'm using laravel 4.1, I encounter this error sometimes. {"error"...
Hi. Using this structure: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20801859/laravel-eloquent-filter-by-col...
Hi guys. I have a link to route like this in my application view {{ link_to_route('categories.creat...
I am using this in my view to show banners... @include('partials.randomBanner', array('category' =&g...
Hi! Is there an elegant way to do this? {{--*/ $wp = '' /*--}} <tbody> @foreach($tasks as $tas...
i wonder if how i can get the Controller name and Action name in the Blade template/View? Thanks in...
I tried to create a view password.remind.php and I get error not found. Then renamed it to password...
Hi ! I have written a package to generate lang files for you. Write your templates, controllers, ......
I test Event::listen('test', function () { return 'hello'; }); // and $event = Event::fire('...
Hello everyone! I receive the following error: Error rendering view: [user::profile.profile] Trying...
Hi, this is my store function in UserController public function store() { $activation = str_random(...
Hi all, I have issue when trying to delete using modal windows confirmation popup. Inside that confi...
I've found a few examples of using optgroup, but they all seem to be missing what i'm looking for In...
I have a view composer with some data being assigned default values, ie 'page_title'. In my controll...
I've got a table inside a page. The data it displays will rely on a few parameters given (filter for...
i'm sure this is simple, but need help i have products, with a foreign key of category_id and i have...
Where to put Form::macro()? And I would like to use chain method on it like this: Form::myField()-&g...
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