Alright so i was using a session earlier and encountered a weird "bug"? so here is my orig...
I have an eloquent class Biblio with relationship as items() to BiblioItem which in turn has relatio...
I need to build a database structure that will allow us to create option sets. These sets then need...
how can I track changes in the database and store it in a history log, such as after I insert, updat...
How would I implement this with laravel? INSERT INTO table (a,b) VALUES (1,2), (2,3), (3,4); thanks
Hello Guys, I just Worried for my Codes, And I dont know what to do. Cuz, iam new in Laravel, My Pro...
i'm sure this is simple, but need help i have products, with a foreign key of category_id and i have...
Hello, I am building a scheduler app that find candidates with free timeslots that fits into an empl...
I want to filter record which has created_at atribute at year 2011. Currently, I could do it like th...
Hi, I'm looking for advise on how to group results from a query, the laravel way, I've tried looking...
Is this even a possibility? Need it for a legacy project to transfer some data daily to my MySQL dat...
i have used eloquent in this photo, and i want to remove red underline text
Hi I am trying to use ORM to build a simple query like this Deals::find($id)->city; But I can't!...
I have form with hours (for every weekdays) and want: insert, update or delete row. Is there a bette...
I have projects that each belongs to a user When using Project::with('user') to get all my projects...
I have created a Mysql user defined function "calcVAT" to calculate some complex calculati...
Hi - I'm an 'old school' developer having spent al my coding life writing raw sql db queries. I'm n...
Hey Guys, I'm trying to do grouped wheres ( like on SQL with the paranthesis) on Eloquent eager load...
I have a problem I want to use Eloquent and paginate, i want SELECT join from 2 table user and role...
Hello, I'm newbie in Laravel, when try to migrate Laravel 4 with table 'user' in database using arti...
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