I wanna make a query like this. public function find(Request $request){ $dato=$request->buscarD...
I am making POST request: http://localhost:8081/myserver/server.php/api/v1/contracts/1 with body {...
I want to do something like that, but laravels error says Unknown column 'assignable_table.assignabl...
Hi, When i have a product model and a category model, i want them to touch both ways, but im getting...
Hi, Standard of eloquent is to set the touch in the model to update the updated_at timestamp. But yo...
I have a searchbox users can use to search fields using the following query. (I've not copied in the...
I was wondering why the Eloquent properties $perPage and $table aren't static properties. It doesn't...
https://laravel.com/docs/4.2/eloquent#basic-usage says: To get started, create an Eloquent model. Mo...
When i acces main?company_id in url of my site, i must do decrement -1 for row user , i try this : $...
Some misunderstandings people run into and some explanation of what is actually going on. asklagbox...
I have a scope that looks like this public function scopeNotDefault() { return $this->where('...
Hi there, I'm try to integrate jqueryFileUpload in my larvel 5.2 project. I can upload the images o...
Hi, this should be easy to do, but I'm getting an error and at this point I reallly don't know where...
I stumbled onto this suuuper simple way to initialize an endless scroller through jQuery Here is the...
Hi, My Eloquent Model is here- <?php namespace App; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; cl...
A basic and easy question... If you make a migration using "php artisan make:migration create_[...
Hi there, I have a problem when I try to store a empty string into the database, laravel stores it a...
Is there any way to force Eloquent models to re resolve the connection they were instantiated with?...
Im getting this error "Undefined offset: 1" what should I change here: Controller: pub...
$email = $request->get('email'); $password = $request->get('password'); $password = md5($p...
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