Hi, say I had a select input which was not in a form e.g. <select class="email-select"...
I came across this post where you can sanitize input before calling the rules. http://www.easylarave...
Hi, I have a form like this, {!! Form::open(array('action' => 'InfoController@index', 'method' =&...
Hello could anyone tell me the best way to validate input from a WYSIWYG textarea?
What is the correct way to grab a record and also include it's relationship data? Example User belon...
Hello all! I've searched a lot about this but couldn't find anything related to what i need. I need...
Hey, i want to display something only if the url is the one being accessed. For this i did @if(Reque...
The Problem is Here That only First value inserted in database not all . I want to save all Values i...
Ok so the thing is I have laravel 4.2 installed and it's working great. Up to today when I did a cou...
I have a very simple subscriptionform (email + button) that works perfectly except on my iPhone 5c....
Hello i have an issue when it comes to display my creating product form. The main problem is that i...
Error: Intervention \ Image \ Exception \ ImageNotWritableException Can't write image data to path [...
I have defined the following routes : Route::get('/', 'HomeController@getindex'); Route::controller...
I'm making a file upload system using Laravel, Ajax and jQuery. I am able to submit forms using Ajax...
Hi, Is there's anyone here who can help me to fix this. I'm newbie in Laravel 5 and I can't even fig...
I want to send some data for all methods (GET ) of the Controller and do not want to have to do this...
Hi, I've just upgraded to Laravel 5.1 and i'm creating a simple form with "text" and "...
I am saving an Eloquent model to a MySQL database, however all the request input is not saved, despi...
Hello, I'm creating a custom package that involves a CRUD resource. Because it involves extra steps,...
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