Hi Just wanted to point out that the SQL Reports Designer Package Reportico now works with Laravel 5...
Hi All, I'm attempting to create a successful dependant dropdown menu. I've run into some problems.....
I have a proble related to this issue If I do: $st = \DB::select( "DECLARE @liResult I...
Hi Everybody, Please help me. I would like to run a stored procedure through MSSQL, the procedure ha...
A part of an existing plain sql condition contains follow leftJoin part: LEFT JOIN database.table1 x...
Take the example Videos->comments Videos::with([comments => function ($q) { $q->take(1)...
My migration is like this : public function up() { Schema::create('tests', function (Blueprint $...
What are the most popular tools/techniques for building search capabilities into laravel data grids?...
0 down vote favorite I am using this code in my LARAVEL project http://jsfiddle.net/teepluss/12wqxxL...
I'am new in laravel. I have query builder like this : $menu = DB::select("SELECT menu_id, menu_...
I'm working on a project that imports data from the Riot API (League of Legends). I'm currently usin...
$users = DB::table('products')->orderBy($sortbysql, $sortbysqltype) -> where('product_name', '...
these are my controller model and form which has checkbox array which i am trying to save to a singl...
Hello , im trying to make a plan based site and the laravel casher doesnt seem to work , when i try...
I'm running into an error that I can't solve. The mentions online aren't giving me a viable solution...
This is a little bit heavy. I have in my cms four currencies, usd, gbp, euro and the main one chf. A...
I am building a form to edit a row with Form Model Binding, the problem is all radio buttons are unc...
I know my way around a basic LAMP stack but I wouldn't call myself an advanced server admin by any m...
Hi there, I have a large SQL statement that I am executing like so... $result = DB::select($sql); I...
Is there anyway to convert an existent Mysql DB to the Eloquent ORM automatically? I'm creating a La...
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