Hello, ##Tables structure ###Users id - AI password - string email - string userable_id - integer us...
I'm trying to limit the number of attributes that all() returns, but failing to do so by using setHi...
Hi! I have images and products table and the pivot table is image_product. What is the best way to a...
If you're using a join in your query along with a "with" function to hydrate a child field...
Hi I'm busy with a tutorial and when I try to use the edit line in the model, I end up having a blan...
I want to assign a post to an author, then when I display the post, I want to display it's author wi...
If I use $post->comments()->save($comment) to add a new comment to a post, why does $post->...
Is calling a model or executing a database query from the view, a bad practice or should the variabl...
I'm not sure if there's a specific term for what I'm trying to do -I think it's referred to as "...
i don't call function in class User default on models #function protected function abc(){ return Use...
I'm trying to get rid of a duplicate query. I use a filter to determine if the current url is correc...
Hi, I wanna make simple registration on my site, but I have an strange error. That's my form http://...
Hello everybody! I have a slight issue with Eloquent. Up until now I had a function that was retriev...
Hi, I would like to show a Selectbox with a list of all Users, which have a Role of ID 1. How can I...
For all the other good stuff in laravel their is a Event::shouldReceive(), but for models, nothing....
Eloquent is great, but in big projects it's common for extended functionality to dig into models. I'...
Please suggest me some reference to implement Restful crud operation for schemas and also with json...
Hello, I try to find how to have only result where the relation return something, not when there emp...
Today I have a User model with a method updateWith($attrbs). It's just an example. If my object is a...
How do you set defaults for timestamp column? $table->timestamp('row_modified')->default(DB::r...
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