In the process of writing unit tests, I noticed that my model mutator is only run ONCE, even though...
i am following this tutorial
I am trying to seed an image, however it fails a validator test for 'image' - even though I am passi...
Hi all! I am having trouble with global scopes, especially the removal of the scope. In my User mode...
i have this multiple select from a form: {{Form::select('category[]',$category_details,null,arra...
I want something similar to withTrashed() and onlyTrashed() for my posts so I can get only public po...
I'm trying to achieve this: ->join( 'table_a', function( $join ) use( $ids) { $join ->on( 'tab...
Hi, I have a problem with displaying information about account. The method: public function getProfi...
I'm trying to use MS SQL Server with the latest Laravel. I managed to figure out the connection to t...
I have two rows, one for moods, and count. If user submit the same input i.e. "happy" then...
Hello, I have two tables 'rooms' and 'reservations' (i don't have any relation between the two table...
Hello, I'm in situation where I'm really old db-schema, that can't be change because of bunch of rea...
How can i remove ',' from last array? <h1>You are entered @foreach($splits as $split)...
I have a table with all an item's information, such it's image, name,etc. I have a users table with...
hello i have sql how can i write in Laravel this sql ? please help. (SELECT goods_id, name, img, ano...
Hey guys, Currently I have the following tables: Categories Listings (belongs to category) What I wa...
In my view I am displaying an array of items with their prices and etc. I want to check it that item...
I have 3 tables: vehicles, drivers and vehicle_driver_owners. drivers table includes all the registe...
I am working on app, which required a form in bootstrap modal and also load the form dynamically. i...
Hi guys, I'm trying to run the following queries and running into this error: preg_replace(): Parame...
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