Hi, is it possible to extend models on the fly? What I want to do is to build a modular application...
The setup. I have Posts items that users can favourite. I show the count of how many people have fav...
It is possible that one class extends two other classes? E.g. i want to extend class User to Eloquen...
My DB is like 2000 records, the info is encrypted, using Crypt in my model... /* NAME*/ public func...
A User belongstomany (can have many) Collections. A collection belongstomany users. A collection bel...
I have a multi-tenant DB that I need to manage incrementing invoice numbers per tenant. It's import...
Hello ! I have two models, who have a one-to-many relationship. 1 - a company has many initiators 2...
My ERD is something like this: ControlForm hasMany FormRows FormRow hasMany FormColumns FormColumns...
Hi, I need to perfom a query which includes a join on multiple conditions. Therefore, I try to do th...
Hey, Quick question here! I don't really know what are the best practices on that subject, so I'll l...
I currently have a form with 3 dropdown menu which allow a user to select his date of birth by day,...
Hello all, Can anyone please send me a bit of code to get array from url? Suppose this is my url :...
Hey all. Got a little package here to help cast Eloquent model's attributes to the proper PHP varia...
Hello, I have a table "names" like this: names: id | name and a table "bookmark"...
I wrote a blog post here which explains how you can take Dayle Ree's model validation code and turn...
I am having problems with creating a schema / model for one of my projects and would like to get som...
Hey guys, This is probably super trivial, but here goes: I'm following one of Jeffrey Ways great tut...
Hello :) I'm making an admin filter to use in the routes. filters.php Route::filter('auth.admin', fu...
I have a database table called "events" that holds wedding/exhibition events. I'm using El...
Title is self explanatory
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