Hi there! So I'm using FormRequest like so: public function save(MailRequest $request) And validati...
Hi I m using Laravel 5. Now I want to ad profile picture. I want that in User control page there wil...
Hi, I'm build an webapp API that receives an image file from users using post forms and need to send...
RESTfully, When I submit my form and return Input:all() in the Store method I'm getting only couple...
I have created a command, which suppose to receive data from stdin and save to database. It works co...
Hi! I need some help whit this... I have a controller that creates a view where multiple selects, fo...
Hello what is difference between this method: public function store(Request $request) { $input =...
So i have User model and Articles model. When i return User::all()->toJson(); i get only user atr...
Hopefully, the title is explanatory enough... I have a form request that is run when my form is subm...
I am trying to make a simple app based on Scotch.io tutorial. I don't have a clue how to get data i...
Hi, I am trying to run a function only when certain values have been changed, however isDirty doesn'...
Hello everyone, I get this error for the post method not for get method Symfony \ Component \ HttpK...
Hi Everyone, I'm attempting to save user search phrases into my mysql database. I'm having a difficu...
What I'm looking for here, is an elegant way of creating a new Contact. As the image says, a Contac...
Hello, i want to pass an array of all users that have in the field: number='1' My controller: publi...
Hello This is maybe a stupid question, but I'm just learning Laravel and can't find help on internet...
It's 3 days now that I'm struggling with routes in Laravel. Some of them I have made to work, others...
http://help.laravel.io/ef418edd30096ee5fc7975d68ebfb26dc1ff06a8 Laravel 4.2.8 When logging in via fa...
Hi guys, I have a command with options defined this way : protected function getOptions() { return a...
Hello, I'm creating an application and it will have user accounts. I have created a setAttributes fu...
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