I'm using slick.js slider syncing function and I'm having a problem getting it to sync. I'm also usi...
Trying out softdelete and I'm yet to understand what is wrong with the code. Whenever I try deleting...
Hi I am using Laravel 5.1 and vtalbot/markdown. I have a works table and inside there is description...
Hi guys the console log error 404 page not found http://localhost/directories/public/product/subcate...
The confused happens when I try to including two extended blade in same file. ##A.blade.php @yield('...
I'm using Laravel 4 and I'm trying to create a gallery page that when you click on an image that ima...
I have placed the image named java01 in projectname/public/img and called it java01 in the database....
Hello, I noticed something strange with formBuilder. I’m having a simple form with checkboxes. I loo...
When trying to run the 'dashboard' view - it returns an error in return: ReflectionException in Cont...
I'm trying to use Html and Form facade but without any luck. This is the error I get: FatalErrorExce...
when trying to run a view I am getting an error says: NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection.php l...
Hi all! I'm pretty new to laravel and I have a problem. I using route: Route::get('/home', function...
I'm using laravel 4 and I'm trying to get all the gallery items that belongs to a category depending...
Hello everyone. I am wondering what will be the fastest way to find pair value in array in blade. Wh...
Hi, i'm using this route: Route::get('/', ['as' => 'home', function () {return view('home');}]);...
This issue is essentially a duplicate of this SO post I managed to find: http://stackoverflow.com/qu...
I'm using Laravel 4 and I'm trying to get multiple values to display instead of one. When I try, I g...
I'm using Laravel 4 and I'm trying to change the laravel blade link to use a normal html link. My bl...
I've set up two different laravel apps and no matter what I put in the routes file it will only load...
I have a table that has dates (test_date) and (next_due). For the last entry (most current / descend...
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