I'm pretty new to Laravel and Eloquent. However, I'm not new to SQL. I want to use Eloquent to cons...
forexample; <textarea name="test"> ''''''''''''''''............'''''''''''''''' </textarea&...
I want to create a word file for download after fetching all records from table. can anyone suggest...
Hello, I am facing following problems while insert data in a pivot table. This is link Expecting sug...
Good night people! Could anyone please tell me, what would be the best practice for saving and loadi...
Hi All, I'm attempting to create a successful dependant dropdown menu. I've run into some problems.....
A part of an existing plain sql condition contains follow leftJoin part: LEFT JOIN database.table1 x...
Take the example Videos->comments Videos::with([comments => function ($q) { $q->take(1)...
My migration is like this : public function up() { Schema::create('tests', function (Blueprint $...
I have two classes Activities and Questions. Their relation is many to many. I need to save many que...
with using this code $auth = Auth::guard('web')->attempt(['email'=>$request->email,'passwor...
Hi all, Im relatively new to laravel, but have been doing PHP for the last year with MySql, Im curre...
I have a method Assets. It has this this relation: public function fields() { return $this->...
I'm working on a project that imports data from the Riot API (League of Legends). I'm currently usin...
I migrate from laravel 4 to laravel 5. I modified User Model to make it compatible to laravel 5 User...
There is a lot more to my project, and this happens in every location where I use this technique.. b...
I'm running into an error that I can't solve. The mentions online aren't giving me a viable solution...
I have two tables users and user_details and i have created a relationship between the two of them...
Is there anyway to convert an existent Mysql DB to the Eloquent ORM automatically? I'm creating a La...
I know this has been asked before by others but no answer is good or explicit. Many give great worki...
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