Hi. Im fairly new to Laravel, running version 6 atm. I have made a working feature that any register...
Good afternoon, I am starting to study laravel and have a doubt. I don't understand why @yield doesn...
Hi there, I noticed in my codes that I can only display the value using foreach. public function com...
I used two classes here they are : Schema::defaultStringLength(150); View::share('channels',Channel:...
Hi, I will save html as PDF , so I use barryvdh/laravel-dompdf package. when I style a <div> w...
I am trying to display table result, the data is appearing on the table, but when i filter, i get &q...
Hello, I have download a template from https://www.creative-tim.com/product/now-ui-dashboard-pro-lar...
I`m trying to display data on a blog page side but instead to fetch all the posts in all categories,...
Hi there, I would like to ask ideas on approaches on how to render tournament bracket for next round...
In my application there are Job Offers and Skills. The Offer and Skill models have a many to many re...
Good day. I had a working laravel app on the server. After editing my .htaccess file not to display...
i cannot load my translation file to my view, and even if i do i get a no class error.Please help
Hi everyone, I'm new to Laravel and I'm inspecting the available solutions for fast building GUI vie...
Hello, i'm trying to get all the routes with an alias. Route::group(['as'=>'general.'], function(...
I'm trying to populate tags from the database into a select2 field. The data is returned in the insp...
I am trying to make a dashboard to listen iot device status in Laravel. Front-end uses Vue.js to tri...
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Hello, i need a full screen page like press F11. I need display a Slideshow with HighCharts Graphs....
Hi everyone, newbie here. I am trying to migrate one of my old sites to Laravel so that I have acces...
hello, i am developing a job website for my client. On the all jobs page there are some salary,exper...
I would like to crawl a link or page within my project in laravel, I saw some tutorials but very sha...
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