I have the following route: Route::get('foo-{name}-bar', function($name){ return $name; }); When i...
Hi, I have an admin controller containing every method used in my administration panel. This file is...
The title says it all. I know how to minify and concat all assets into one file for css and js, but...
What is the best way to access in my view a css file which is going to be used in html for styling i...
What is I want to do is shortcodes like on WordPress. When I get post content from database I want t...
Hey, i have this route Route::get('report/{id?}', array('as' => 'report', function($id = null) {...
Olá pessoal gostaria de saber a forma mais elegante para criar uma classe que seja comum em todas as...
Hi, i am new to laravel (and i already love it) I have create inside controllers 2 folders Backend,F...
I have example: Route::get( 'cal', function () { $var = 150.55; $amount1 = 1...
Hello, Not sure how to phrase this question... hopefully it makes sense. I have a class called "...
I have a news feed that currently is displaying with a structure of what seems to be similar to face...
Hey guys, I have this form that the user fills out, on successful submit the form saves to the datab...
Hi all. I am pretty close to a solution but am stuck. I have a category page where the category is c...
Hi everybody, I used to use Basset to manage my assets - I grew very fond of the notion of "col...
need a code for populating 3 select boxes(country,state,city) based on selection on previous select...
Hello, I work on a BrowserGame who wants to Support many Languages. But now i run into a Problem and...
someone has used PHPWord (https://htmltodocx.codeplex.com/) and laravel
Hi Guys So I have an array containing many JSON objects, This is what it shows in console.log if i o...
Hello, I'm trying to move my develepment app to production, but i can't get arround this error: Also...
I have a rather strange situation. I'm generating a number of images and I need to generate them dyn...
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