Hello If i have a table named 'Books' and i would want to print out all the names of the books that...
Hi, I'm wondering what the best approach to creating a flow chart style web page would be? For examp...
I'm passing a model collection ($occurrences) from the controller to the view, and there I convert t...
Hi I am new to Laravel, How to create a multiple select drop-down list. Can any one please help me !...
Hi, I'm having some error trying to call a view from a subfolder. First, this thing works Route::get...
Hi, I am new to MVC and learning Laravel at the moment. I would like to have the last URL string as...
I'm trying to use this library https://github.com/thiagoalessio/tesseract-ocr-for-php In laravel , i...
I have a problem I have a form::model using an action but, in the action I'm using a named route whe...
Hey Guys, I made a flexible calendar as a composer package, I could not find any others out there,...
Hi, I have this error when following the Laravel tutorial here (http://laravel.com/docs/quick#local-...
Running on Ubuntu 12.04 using HHVM 3.1.0 (the latest release). I've just recently tried updating fro...
for example in my master.layout.blade.php I use some HTML funciton like this {{HTML::script('assets/...
In many blade subtemplates section "example" doesn't exitst. How to check in master blade...
Hi, I'm completely new to Laravel, working with it for maybe two or three days on a small/medium pro...
here's my code in my view <p><?php echo $remaining_seats[$event->id]; ?>{{ $remaining...
Hi, Since moving an existing project from AWS to a new Forge spawned DigitalOcean server, it doesn't...
Hello guys, I have some posts. How can i display for example on profile page just the posts of a spe...
Hi, I want to display a value from my model, but it always gives me '0' as an integer while the colu...
Is it possible to acces controller methods from View ?
Hi, As I said in another post I'm trying to do my own CMS. I have several articles in my db, each ar...
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