Hi all, I need to create an application with authentication system that matches password from a Djan...
Hello, after updating to Laravel 5, I'm getting the following error. Argument 1 passed to Illuminate...
I have a model that will contain information about a patient, the database migration for that table...
Hello, I have this link <li><a href="{{URL::route('abbonementen.create', null) }}"...
Hello, I have this form : {{ Form::open(array('url' => "abbonementen")) }}...
Motivated by Jeffrey Way's tweet from today ( https://twitter.com/jeffrey_way/status/515508990751817...
Hi, Composer deletes all the default dependencies when I use "composer update", instead re...
Hi, I'm not sure if this is a laravel issue, but here goes.. My composer.json file looks like this:...
hi guys! I am new to laravel and this is gonna be my first big application. I need to start now and...
I've been looking at implementing a users/roles package for Laravel for a while now. I've looked at...
Hello, I try new class FormRequest on an file input. I have this class : <?php namespace App\Http...
Hi all, Im trying to make a function for creating a package label via something called pacsoft. It o...
As the title, I have a form with a lot of fields and I want to return form data quickly when my vali...
Hello I got this error even I do it correctly... [Illuminate\Database\QueryException] SQLSTATE[HY00...
I use utf8mb4 charset and utf8mb4_general_ci collation for Mysql connection. The default length is 2...
https://github.com/laravel/framework/issues/5802#issuecomment-56625519 I can't decide whether this i...
Hi I'm trying to get the values of a table that references 2 tables. my tables looks like this pages...
I am solo developer. I've been in the industry a long time - but have no nearby peers to brain storm...
Hi, I am working on my first application. I created two database tables: "leads" and "...
I'm trying to return results from a database that limits the results to ones that aren't already in...
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