Hi, I have a base class which define a bunch of functions I will use for inherited classes. I have t...
Parent, Child and Tag are three models. Parent (id, other fileds ....) Child (id, parent_id, tag_id...
I started out with an ajax form in my blade template which opened like this: {{ Form::open(['data-re...
Can I do both static on dynamic blade? {{ HTML::script('js/fullscreensearch.js'); }} {{ HTML::script...
Hi everyone, I have a question regarding Sentry and using it's authentication functionality on a non...
Hi I want to search for like which is made by a given user on a given post. I have one Post model as...
Hey guys, When i use my model for Year, i can get all articles that are connected with the year tabl...
Hi dear all.. actually i am trying to validate a sign up form in my website and one of the inputs is...
What is the diference between find($id) and whereId($id)?
I'm looking for a Laravel freelancer who is willing to work on a project which includes building a b...
Hello, I have a form where the user has to enter a amount which has to be payed. So I thought I use...
Hi , How do i fix my problem everytime i use php artisan it will came out this error PHP Warning: P...
Hello guys, I know two basic methods of putting views to layouts with Laravel. The first one is to e...
Trying to get my head around the logic for the following. I have 3 images and two static functions....
Hi, do you people advice to use mass assignment? I used it but i see i need to solve al lot of probl...
HI Folks, I cant seem to get my login attempt to work. I have the fields, in my table: password - va...
hi , i have a problem in my project so , when i delete my user his topics doesn't deleted ! and ther...
I've noticed that since upgrading to 4.2, the error screen has changed. And now the errors aren't sh...
I have a password reset form and method setup as below, however when the form is submitted it just g...
Hello, I have a table of users can you please tell me how I can update all the rows in the users tab...
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