I'm using a form request for validation and I need to access the errors message bag in the controlle...
I have an fieldset in my form that looks like below. <fieldset class="Bo...
So I'm trying to make a new company in a CompanyContoroller includes and public function store() is...
Im sorry if I am new to Laravel 5.2, but I get empty string in $errors even though if I use duplicat...
Okay, my code is working but I just need to understand something : (A) use Request; (B) use Illumina...
Where can i put the resize in this code thanks. $this->validate($request, [ 'email' =...
Hey what can i code if i don't want to have a image. i get error: Call to a member function getClien...
Here's my view @extends('app') @section('content') {!! Form::open(['url' => 'person', 'class'...
Hi All, I am new to this forum and really new to laravel, i am trying to create a custom HTTP authen...
Hi My request file: <?php namespace App\Http\Requests; use App\Http\Requests\Request; class C...
Does anyone have any idea how to perform validation on something like the dynamic form below? <in...
I am wanting to add a datepicker to my form that only uses Month/Year. I'm currently using {...
I have this sample route: Route::get('orders/{orderid}/cambiaestado/{estado}', function($orderid = n...
Hi all, First excuse my bad english. I try to connect with first_name or email. This works well for...
Hello, I have a MySQL database with a table called Articles to store my articles. One of the table f...
I have these routes, Route::group(array('prefix' => '/'), function() { Route::get('hostname', '...
routes.php: Route::get('users/{id}/edit', array('before' => 'auth|admin', 'uses' => 'UserContr...
I run a non-commercial file sharing site powered by Laravel. Currently, users IP addresses are recor...
I came across this post where you can sanitize input before calling the rules. http://www.easylarave...
Hello, I'm looking for a jQuery plugin to apply a mask over my monetary inputs . I tried a lot of th...
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