I'll try my best to explain what i want to. I showing a page with some "product" on the pa...
I am trying to write a link (just like ahref) in my VIEW to another VIEW page in the app. How do I...
Hi, what´s the best way to put the website url (http://www.mydomain.com) into a Blade Template? Get...
I'm creating a select in a form and I'd like to loop through 10 options printing out the numbers 1-1...
Hi guys, I am new to the laravel community. Hope everyone is rocking out there. I am working on a we...
Hello. When trying to load pages like: localhost:8000/auth/register localhost:8000/auth/login it imm...
Hello, Do you have complicated methods for doing that? $view = View::make($viewname, $paramArray);...
Hi In my controller:` $updaterec = Sme::where('rec_id', '=', $request->id)->update(['rec_id'...
When trying to run the 'dashboard' view - it returns an error in return: ReflectionException in Cont...
when trying to run a view I am getting an error says: NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection.php l...
Hi all! I'm pretty new to laravel and I have a problem. I using route: Route::get('/home', function...
Hello everyone. I am wondering what will be the fastest way to find pair value in array in blade. Wh...
I'm using Laravel 4 and I'm trying to get multiple values to display instead of one. When I try, I g...
Not even sure where to start - just looking for maybe a point in the right direction. I've got somet...
Hello everyone, How can I get all files from a specific folder to output in the select form field. h...
Hello, I've a collection (tasks) and I want to count inside may blade template only completed tasks....
Hi I am using jquery datetime picker in my site. this is my code: <link href="/blog/public/c...
Hi: I have this view: $post->user->name I can call it in the post page successfully Now i nee...
I got this error when i try to see the content. Use of undefined constant id_web - assumed 'id_web'...
Hi! I'm starting my adventure with Laravel, and unfortunately I encounered a problem. My app templat...
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