I really tried to understand this concept from episode 5 of fundamentals, but I somehow did not get...
hi i am new to laravel <img src=""> dont work on .blade.php i use this in .blade.php file <...
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var pubvar1 =...
Hello everybody, I want to share my first package: Basic themes support for Laravel 5. Get it here:...
Hi, I'm new with Laravel, so im writing a comment form that using hidden input which value is user-&...
Hi, Is there any way to get php code from a mysql table, and run it in a blade template?
// foo.balde.php {{ csrf_field() }} <?php echo 'test'; ?> // ... Others code...
I need some help please I'm new with laravel and we will use this to make our thesis so pleasee. :)...
Hi I have stored my images in database using implode function images are in database like array ima...
Hi I've a path registered Route::patch('addressbook/edit', [ 'as' => 'addressbook.edit',...
Hi all, So I have this edit blade which contains a textbox and a selectfield. The idea is, to insert...
#This is my ajax <script> $(function(){ $('.click').click(function(){ alert($(this).attr('hr...
Hi can someone help me??please, I'm having problem with updating and deleting data when I'm trying t...
Laravel 5.2 Hello I have this message in my controller: public function postIndex(SaveProfileRequest...
I have some blades that generate dynamic JS based on some environment configuration variables. My g...
How can i parse dynamic data from ckeditor or textarea. I need to put laravle blade into ckeditor li...
// controller public function saveImage(){ $image = new Image(); $img = Input::file('image'); $i...
Hi All, can somebody advise me which best plugin or way to implement sort & filtering using AJAX...
please help me. how i can update data from database using select option, ajax onchange without submi...
laravel version 5.1.28 -- route.php --- Route::get('/w2', function () { $taskName=DB::table('ta...
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