Hi, I have a treatment that generates 2 PDF files, and then send them by mail. When I run this direc...
Hi guys. I missunderstand something. I have two tabels: Products (id, sku, brand, name, etc.) publi...
I work with jobs to send back webrequests (GET) to urls a user defined. To save load of my server I...
I have a Queue, which I'm trying to insert a job but, getting the following error: Next Illuminate\D...
When running any Posts and Model::create function within Laravel I am being greeted with the below e...
Hello Am using mayconbordin/l5-stomp-queue as a Stomp ActiveMQ reader the problem is when i use the...
How can I check/solve my issue with scheduler. Q: If I set multiple command as per below but it work...
I have a laravel 5.1 app. I want to run a laravel command twice a day in two days of the week. My at...
Hi to all I'm trying to implement a very simple queueable command. The code is as follow: <?php n...
How can i get item by it is id from LengthAwarePaginator? I have tried something like this: {{$categ...
Laravel 4, Beantalkd, Supervisor, and Beanstalk Console These are the columns in the console for obs...
Laravel 5.3 I have search results, need to do results per page. URL is dynamic. Depends on search r...
Just about every "production" queue setup I've seen puts workers under supervision, but do...
Hey guys I'm developing an app across Windows and OS X. Is it okay to use the 'database' option for...
I have product, and it has many comments, why i cant delete product, with all of this comment? My Aj...
I have own search filter, like that: public function search(Request $request, $counter = 5){ $sear...
I have enabled REDIS as default CACHE_DRIVER instead of FILE, but if redis instance is down for exam...
I'm developing plugin archive, for one community. So basically I got few tabs where plugins are orde...
I have ajax call which is executing after DOM is loaded: $(document).ready(function() { if ($('#...
My Ajax request var users_ids = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11']; $.aja...
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