The thing is that I am having problems implementing a code from github,I don't know what the solutio...
I want to know if I can use this: User::update($id,array( 'username '=>Input::get('username'...
I would like to use Zizaco/Confide authentication system (in Laravel 4.x app) for other app (mobile)...
Hello can not log in to the admin panel, appears to me this problem. I am junior, and build my Lara...
Hello, when I try to run: php artisan generate:migration create_users_table I get this error: [Erro...
I am having problems running angularJS ajax http post script in laravel. If i put files in htdocs, t...
Hello, I'm using Laravel 5.2 and I noticed that when I refresh my page (with the browser or with f5)...
Hi, If there is a way in laravel 5.4 to make tracing log of all sql statements? I mean Barryvdh\D...
I have a registration email that is sent out with an activation link which is generated at the time...
Hi all! I'm looking to activate the standard Laravel Authentication module on an existing site (docs...
I have two tables one is templates and the other is template_images Showing migration of the two tab...
Hello! I am new to Laravel and I spent the last 6 hours trying to get my application to connect to M...
I am trying to logout with Auth::logout (), and it do not logout user randomly, most of time it log...
#hi I really Hate editors that list all commands as auto completion ! , i am looking for an editor...
Hi, I use mix.react to make my js file I'd like to use ES6 syntax like {...object} etc but laravel-m...
DB::connection('mongodb') ->collection('XXXXXXXX') ->get(); [{"_id":{"$oid"...
Passport in laravel 5.4 always return error: "Unauthenticated.", I am calling this api by...
Hi, I have eshop that is written in Laravel 4.2. Now I need absolutely deffirent app that will be ba...
What it do? Route::controllers([ 'auth' => 'Auth\AuthController', 'password' => 'Auth\Passwo...
Hello I am building a website (front-end and back-end) where I have a section that have an image and...
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