I'm trying to show "logged in" message after user logged in to my application, actually wh...
My view is like this : @foreach($users as $user) <tr> <td>{!! $user->id !...
Hi so i have problem about using homestead.As you know using homestead in windows has very slow resp...
Hi everyone, I've been dabbling with Laravel and while so far so good,I am stuck with my database co...
SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM picks WHERE weeknum = 1 I'm having a hard time finding examples using &...
My url is like this : http://localhost/mysystem/public/users/index/2016 I want to get 2016, because...
Hi I'm using Laravel 5.3 with vagrant/homestead setup. Everything working fine, no issues until sett...
My controller code is like this : public function store(CreateUserRequest $request) { $input = $...
I wanna shows the route errors when I work on my local. My code in App\Exceptions\handler.php I trie...
Hi, I'm teaching a Laravel 5 class to mostly self-employment people that have knowledge of PHP and b...
Hi, I have a problem with Stripe and my server. Stripe support said me that I have to update the Str...
Hi All, I have build a simple Scout function with Algolia. However, if there is relationship with ot...
Hello, I am working on a forum in Laravel 5.3 and when I look at my view I get: " ["Inform...
I'm testing a website, I've just tried to put an unexisting URL to see my custom 404 page, but inste...
Hi there Im writing a package which adds new routes. If the user has installed the auth then I want...
My view is like this : <li class="{{ Request::is('users*') ? 'active' : '' }}">...
Hi everyone. after install laravel. I was copy index.php from public to root folder and change confi...
Hey, at first: sorry for my bad english, I hope you'll unterstand my problem. So, I would like to ch...
I am encountering a weird problem on my Laravel 5.2 project. I have a DataTable with filters that ma...
So I can't find the answer to this. I had my class Permission, the name of the file was Permission.p...
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