Hello everyone, First of all, what a great community Laravel.IO is. I have found many answers to my...
Hi, I have very very long file contains a lot of queries was write in CI and I wondering if there a...
Hello. I am building a social website where users can block each other. What I'm trying to achieve i...
How can I use php's native mail function with the mailer class found in Laravel? I can't find any tr...
Hi, Just need some help, I have a problem getting the appropriate flow of authentication I want. So...
How can I replace existing relation? At this moment, I have tables: requirements user_requirement...
I'm using the new built in testing that comes with Laravel 5.1. Awesome stuff. But I've a problem I...
Until I upgraded and moved servers, queries that used groupBy were working. However, I'm getting an...
Hi, I have a strange problem with Eloquent which I'm trying to do the following: $this->node = \D...
Hi, this is my first post and I am fairly new to laravel. This question has been posted many times b...
Hi guys, im trying to get the img src from a remote site using cURL and Simple HTML DOM Parser. What...
Hi guys; I find it very difficult to remove public from url. Some say I have to set up virtual host,...
bill@gremlin-2:~$ vagrant up There was an error loading a Vagrantfile. The file being loaded and the...
Hi everyone. I've created a new repository: https://ilgala.github.io/laravel-wizzy/ It's a laravel i...
Having a difficult time getting Route::has working correct. routes.php Route::get('login', function...
I'm creating a multilanguage application and I've set a middleware to set the locale to each request...
Whenever i tried to create a laravel project via composer it installs 5.2.*. Is there any special re...
I ran composer update. and when i try to run make:auth. its no in the list of available commands. ED...
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Hey There, I am having real issues with blade templating. Basically when I use blade the webpages ju...
Parse error: parse error, expecting '&'' or "variable (T_VARIABLE)"' in /Users/hannove...
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