I am currently refactoring my Laravel 5 project in order to make use of the Repository Design Patter...
Hello everyone, I want to do something like this: public function destroy($id) { $user = Auth::u...
while checking out docs for some queries , i have reached to the bottom of page. if i need to search...
Hi Unfortunately this is one of those "where do I put that?" type questions and generates...
When get data from database like this $reviews = Review::latest('created_at')->paginate(5); Lara...
Hello, I want to have 'locale' => session('locale'), But I get : Fatal error: Uncaught Reflection...
If i need to put two variables in blade, for example name and surname, which of this two option is t...
What is the difference between "file" vs "cookie" session driver?
Hi I am Eslam Salem I am the CEO & Founder of Shieldfy. We at shieldfy decided to plan and relea...
I'm creating a form with Form::model , but when defining the fields i sometimes do this: @if (Auth::...
TL;DR Every time a unit test is run, all Commands are instantiated, and any dependencies injected in...
I posted this question on Laracast forum.However,I have not got a solution,so please excuse me to po...
Im a new developer of just a few weeks. So far so good. but i cant seem to find a way to browse an s...
Greetings... I am updating some models in this fashion: Foo::where('name', '=', 'bar')->update(['...
I'm having an issue with an application (Lanager) running on a VM inside of my network. The load-bal...
Hi,I I'm a beginner,I have a problem about Route. I write a post route,when I click submit on brows...
Good afternoon folks, I need your help, I have this car brands list with a button to edit and delete...
Hello everyone, I would like to know if there is a way to use the laravel view outside of laravel ?...
I created simple recursive relationship: public function children() { $children = $this->hasMany(...
We have PHP 7 on the way. Laravel is quite ambitious when it comes to support for new PHP versions,...
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