Hi i have 3 project in my AWS server. but i got a issue in another project framework path. right now...
can someone give me a idea how to share a survey link for users to access specific survey.
Hello, I'm trying to store my array data in to the database with no luck. Here's what I have: In the...
I made custom MiddleWare group to separate admin panel, protected $middlewareGroups = [ 'web...
Hi, i'm not sure how to solve this: I list all customers (with sorting options via URL query ?sort=...
I want to create my db schema, model and relations by using "http://laravelsd.com/" and wa...
Now I already get query with group by, but when get total row is wrong, because group by return many...
is it possible to access all the properties of Http\Kernel class from a controller. I want to make a...
How to convert this sql query in laravel SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN age_c < 18 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [U...
Dear all I'm going to create some widgets on the left side of the master layout One of these widgets...
Hi, I don't understand why I can't access my "reductions" array in my javascript. (Referen...
Hi everyone, I'm having a problem using Auth::check() If I'm using it right after my Auth::attempt($...
I am porting a laravel 3 app in to laravel 5. i came across a querry as below. How can i Achive the...
Hello, I'm trying to upload file using ngflow in laravel but I'm getting a tokenmismatch error for e...
Hi guys, I am completely stuck since two hours and definitely need your help. Disclaimer: I am not a...
I have included a .js file into my blade view, which is giving "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpecte...
I want to know if it is possible to pass data from a controller, to a view that extends a master, to...
There is a new component, you have certainly ever need :simple_smile: Inline edit Doctrine entity wi...
Is it possible to catch all route parameters, without knowing the exact amount and names of paramete...
I had built my laravel project and then had a task to replace the larevel default authentication w...
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