I have a this javascript for testing with an alert message to tell me the event is firing. <scrip...
hi, Why get this error ? [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/282olet.jpg[/IMG]
I'm new to Laravel and have managed to get quite a lot working. But I can't figure out why the pass...
I have a model with a belongsToMany relationship with an additional pivot column. public functio...
I want to create some api controllers with a separate routing in an existing Laravel 5 application....
I am geting json data from an api and need to specify my endpoints like API version, API key. I thou...
Route::resource('profile', 'ProfileController');//-> $router->bind('profile}', function ($use...
I have a search destination, arrival and departure data form that I have on every page in my templat...
This was working fine, but somewhere along the way of composer updates it broke and now I am getting...
Has anyone got this working? I'be been trying with the liveedit plugin but I don't see anything chan...
The database save is happening from ajax call and I am using hanlder class to validate database exce...
I am new to Laravel. Every time while I run composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist...
Hi, I need some data which is accessible across the whole site, so in the AppServiceProvider I have...
I want to change the column used for logging in from email to name. I can see where to do this in t...
Hello I followed this https://laravel-news.com/2014/10/setting-laravel-elixr-bootstrap/ I end up wit...
Header edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ $1;HttpOnly;Secure I have established that if this line is included in...
I can't seem to work out how I would redirect user to new post by using the slug instead of ID. the...
I'm sure there's a good solution to this, but I've been staring at it all day and my brain is fried....
Do i? Lets say that my db is going to be well maintained by one person (me) and that no other applic...
Not sure what Im doing wrong but its so frustrating. Trying to integrate github login with socialite...
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