I would like to use main template also for error views. Main template works only if i call it from c...
Hey folks, I was wondering if someone could give me some pointers. I'm building a larval project and...
Hello Community, I've started learning laravel and i like it but i've some questions about blade vie...
When I updated to 4.1.19, I got this error-message: Script php artisan clear-compiled handling the p...
Hi all, I've set up a brand new Laravel install on my machine and am using the built in PHP server t...
A client has asked me to develop an app for his charity, and I have chosen Laravel - it fits the tas...
My query returns say 6 results from a find(). Now I need to display the first different from the res...
Hi; I get Route [store] not defined. (View: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/lp/app/views/User/...
Hey everyone - So I am working on deploying my first laravel app onto a bluehost server, and I'm run...
Hi, I absolutely love the forum module on this site and was wondering if it is possible to share it...
Hey everyone, I was being an immature idiot in chat one night after being bored of programming and I...
Hi, I have been banging my head on the wall trying to figure this out : When ever we add a 'use Clas...
Hello, I want to know how I can describe "is-a" relationships with Eloquent models. Exampl...
I want to create a template block that I can reuse many times, I try to use @include or @extend, but...
I am using Administrator (frozennode). and I want to add some of my javascript files to it . how can...
Hola, soy nuevo en Laravel, quiero crear gráficas con jpGraph, sin el framework me funcionan bien pe...
My sysadmin has setup internal smtp requests to not use username/password but instead has an allowed...
Hi everyone, I'm now stuck for hours and I just can't find out the solution. I've got several tables...
I am trying to get my brain around Laravel by trying to follow the tutorial here http://alexsears.co...
Hi, How do I have only one file to be used in create.blade.php and edit.blade.php?
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