After upgrading to Laravel 10 (from 9), users can no longer login. There were no login issues with L...
I am working on a blogging application in Laravel 8. The application gives the users rights by assig...
I am working on a blogging application in Laravel 8. The ArticlesController controller I have this m...
I'm trying to use auth:sanctum on the api route, but it returns "Not authenticated" even w...
I am working on a Laravel 8 app with users and posts. I have a PostsController and a FeaturedPostsCo...
I am working on a Laravel 8 app with users and posts. I want to display the full name of the author...
I am working on a Laravel 8 app with users and posts. The objective is to create a bunch of posts (I...
I am working on a Laravel 8 application. I need to make a custom directive for checking user's permi...
I am working on a Laravel 8 app with users, roles and permissions. I use Microsoft Azure for user si...
I want to know the steps to initiate new laravel project.
i am trying to follow a tutorial on implementing email verification using the breeze package. I am n...
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